Whatever happened to, "My fault - sorry" ? Somthing so simple, but yet - in absentia - so meaningful.
Nothing is ever anyone's fault anymore. I see this every day in my personal and professional life. Quick to defend, quick to spin, quick to deflect - never quick to apologize. There's a lot of, "I only did that because I was given bad info," or, "Yes, I forgot, but it's because I'm really busy, " or even, "My mistake is really a positive thing in the end because of blah blah blah." Or, my personal favorite, the Passive-Agressive Pass-off: "I did that because you didn't tell me to do otherwise and I assumed you'd tell if you wanted it done differently." What's the big deal? Why won't people just admit their mistakes and move on?
I understand - no one wants to be wrong/at fault. No one wants to fail at anything. It makes you feel stupid. But who among us is perfect? (This is where someone should shout, "Kelli Kern!" :) )
And if you're never wrong or never make a mistake, then you're probably some psycho robot from the future sent to annihilate the human race. And I can't have that.