Thursday, July 7, 2011

Le Freak, c'est chic.

Can someone please explain to me this obsession with James Franco? In every movie I've seen him in, the guy is either grinning like a moron or high as a kite... or both. And that's okay if you're playing the stupid drugged-out next door neighbor role, but Franco's up next as a super-genius-inventor/scientist-type in the new Planet of the Apes movie. C'mon - that's about as believable as Zach Galifianakis playing Stephen Hawking. To whit:

City by the Sea - drug addict (high!) and angsty

Tristan and Isolde - high and English

Milk - high and goofy and gay

Pineapple Express - high and goofy

Date Night - high and white trash

127 Hours - high and goofy and hacks off his arm

Your Highness - high and goofy and wears armor

And the guy isn't even good-looking - he's just goofy. Oh, and he's always smiling. Who does that? As my sister pointed out, he's perfect in his recent role as an egomaniacal artist/serial killer on General Hospital. Why? Because anyone who smiles that much is either a surfing pothead or a serial killer. There are no other possibilities. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the serial killer character's name is 'Franco.' I wonder how that conversation went....

General Hospital writer-type person: "So, James, your character is a complete psycho. He'll be torturing and killing off several characters over the course of a few months. He's completely fleshed out for you in your character bio packet there. Any questions?"

James Franco: "Yeeaaah... so can we change the character's name to my last name? 'Cause that'd be awesome." *cheesy grin*

Or maybe like this:

General Hospital writer-type person: "Mr. Franco, your character is called Benedetto Masterson and he's a stone-cold psycho. Any questions?'

James Franco: "Duhhh... what's his name? Bernie?"

Writer:" No, Benedetto."

James Franco: "Buford?"

Writer: "BEN-UH-DETTO. Benedetto."

James Franco: "Can we get high?"

Writer: *sigh* "How about we just call him Franco?"

James Franco: "Right on. Cool name."

Me, I'm betting the second one. Because despite the fact that Franco has two degrees, writes poetry, and runs his own production company, he sounds like a complete and total dunce every time he opens his mouth. Oh, and did I mention that he looks like he's high? All. The. Time.

So why all the hate for Franco? Because I want Hollywood to stop putting him in movies I would otherwise enjoy.

*brief pause for seething*

Not only will he be the aforementioned genius in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, but he will also play the titular character in Oz: the Great and Powerful. I guess one can hope he stays behind the curtain for most of the movie, yes? Oz was a charlatan, but HE WAS NOT HIGH AND/OR GOOFY. Okay - maybe he was goofy. But not James Franco goofy.

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